Saturday, March 17, 2007

Thinking Spring

I had a panic attack yesterday. I realized that not only did we have a week until Open House, but, that 1. not far behind it was Easter (no Easter outfits yet) 2. I will be having a new niece or nephew by the end of the month (need to get a gift) 3. A niece with an April birthday that ALWAYS sneaks up on me (need to get a present) and 4. The Easter Bunny needs to get working on those baskets (aughhhhhh!) Now, those of you that have been reading the blog for a while, will remember that this happened in December. So, I thought of that, and realized - it all worked out for Christmas, and this would be no different! So I sat down and organized a list of things that need to be done. Easter outfits needed to be purchased - my little guy is outgrowing everything and needs a few new pj's that fit, and pants that are not high waters (if he were a girl, I'd just turn them into Capri pants, however, I haven't seen them advertised for boys as of yet). A dress, just perfect for the daughter, and a new shirt to go with a tie that we didn't wear for Christmas for the oldest. Of course, the husband could use a new shirt and tie also - and then there's me....and let's not forget the baby gift, niece's gift and we'd better look at ideas for those baskets! After work I came home and decided that today I'd get most of that shopping done - until the family decided they would all go along! (Do I hear moans out there???) Well, we started of by going to the shoe store and getting new tennis shoes for the kids (haven't gotten new for them since school started), and it figures that each of their feet have grown one size....that means you HAVE to get new shoes for sure - or your a bad parent - right??? After that we went to eat at Uncle John's Pancake House. I've got to tell you, this is our families favorite place to eat a RELAXING meal. Sometimes, all of the loud noise, TVs blaring, and fancy menus just don't permit you to enjoy a conversation with your children. After our supper, we decided to split up. The boys and Dad went to the bookstore while my daughter and I went to find those Easter outfits. Well, we got into the mall, went to Children's Place and got one outfit. We were moving fast, and I thought that we would get this all done lickity-split! We were walking and I made the mistake of going down the isle that had I need to go any further - you know that I got suckered into going in there just to look, and that after we got in there my daughter reminds me that she brought her money with her. Let me again remind you that it is 7pm on a Saturday evening....... We left a 7:55. Yes, it was
swamped, yes I knew I wouldn't get anymore shopping done (meeting time was at 8:15pm), but I had a happy little girl, AND a green turtle (for St. Patrick's Day) named Clover....."Lucky" Clover - get it.....for St. Patrick's Day. Oh well, guess we will try that shopping trip again - perhaps WITHOUT the family! All in all it was fun, the kids had a nice time - and they did get to go to Toys R Us and spend their Christmas gift cards, and I did get a present for the niece. Well, some things got taken care of, and so what if I have a list of "to be done" yet. I guess I'll just have to try it again - darn!

If you are on the mailing list, you should have your yellow Spring Fling postcards.

Spring Fling is next weekend, and you guessed it - Mom has been busy making some delicious cookies. She is making some of the recipes from our new "500 Cookies" cookbook - they look really yummy! Hope to see you:


Friday, March 23rd 10am-8pm
Saturday, March 24th 10am-5pm
Sunday, March 25th 1pm-5pm

There are some really fun things out on the floor. This week we were busy with customers wanting some of those neat-o things. We had to re-order those Bethany Lowe bunnies again - just love them! Velveteen bunnies that people want for Easter, but also for everyday. I have spent all week taking pictures of the store, so I will be putting some of the spring pictures throughout the blog tonight. I am trying to get pictures so that we can put them on the new web pages - I'm really anxious to get it up and going. People want to know if we will be putting things up for sale, but I don't know if we are ready for that yet. We might try one or two things - we will see!

Home Show 2007 went well - hope you enjoyed the display pictures. Saturday had a long lull, but Sunday went super fast. When we got back, we not only had to put away our 10 x 10 square we took out of the store, but we had 12 or so boxes that had come for us to unpack, AND we decided to re-arrange the store for Spring Fling. Sunday night we got some things done, and continued Monday afternoon. Tuesday, the main floor of the store looked pretty good - for the Red Hat ladies that were scheduled to come, however, the back room looked like a twister had hit! It took us nearly the whole week to get things unpacked, priced and put out or put up for summer! I know you think it's such a glamorous job......we could tell you stories! Yesterday, I finally felt like we had pulled ourselves together - it looks so effortless - doesn't it?!! Friday, I did do something "fun", though. I went through old pictures and copied them to put in our frames - so when you come in, be sure to look at all of the picture frames - you might recognize someone you know - or you might get a kick out of them - who knows! If you have a fun, old, black and white picture from the 1940's through 1960's - xerox it off and bring it in and we'll put it in one of our frames. We love old pictures, and they make it more interesting to look at for everyone - so if you'd like to share - please do!

With April fast approaching, and the Spring weather peaking around the corner, we have planned the next tea party. It will be Sunday, April 22nd at 2pm. There will possibly be another, this we will decide this week. This Tea Party will be another benefit tea, like the one we had in December for the Liberty Center. Cost will be for a suggested donation of $15 and proceeds will go to Heartbeat of Fremont. We will have a lovely meal for you again - and hope for you to join us. Call us at 419-638-4205 or email us at for more information.

Well, see you soon - remember - spring is around the corner (no matter how many times it snows!)

1 comment:

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

I was asked by two people today where Uncle John's Pancake House is - it is in Toledo. If you click on it above, it will take you to it's website. Enjoy!!


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