Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sneak Peak

Hey there! Home Show is upon us! Karrie and I have been praying that everything comes - and,so far, it looks like all of it will come, except for one shipment. We are a little bummed about that, but, at least it will be here for Open House!
I snapped up some pictures for you of some of the new things!

So cool! I am REALLY liking the booth this year. Don't get me wrong, last years booth was neat, but this really represents us well this year! I've had a lot of you ask about the times of the Home Show, so I will just give you all the facts:

Friday, March 2nd 5pm-9pm
Saturday, March 3rd 12pm-8pm
Sunday, March 4th 12pm-4pm

Now, realize, that these are pictures that are a work in progress (thought maybe you'd like to see what happens "behind the scenes"), and it is not set in stone yet (notice the throw over top of the chair, the pictures setting on the throw - this will not be there! We are trying to be clever this year and Karrie's husband will be making us some sort of support to hang those lovely new pictures up on. Isn't the tray beautiful? We have another rectangular single tray in burgundy that is very becoming too! Don't you just love new stuff??!!! I'll be sure to snap some pictures up of the completed project this weekend for those of you who won't be able to make it. We are looking forward to seeing everyone, though! Although this is a long weekend for us, it really is so beneficial. Last year was so funny! We would have people walk by and see the sign and they would stop, putting their hand up to their mouth in amazement and wonder and look at us and say, " you're the ones we see in the paper all of the time.........I had no idea!" I can't even tell you how many people did that! This year we will have "The Girls" with us. I had a banner made with them and the logo on it. I can't wait until I pick it up! It will be so nice to have them with us! Can you believe that they haven't been with us a year yet? Karrie and I were talking about that yesterday, it seems like they have always been there!

So, I must ask, have you heard the Eagle 99 radio ad that Karrie and I did yet? Listen, it will be on this week through Saturday, then on in two more weeks. We had fun making it - although Karrie insists that she had the harder lines (she did!) but I act like I don't know what she is talking about - just like any sister would!
We are also venturing out and advertising on the Fremont News Messenger's web site. Let us know if you like the ad. Figuring out how to advertise is such a hassle guys! I wish that we didn't even need to bother with that - but that wouldn't be too good for business! Well, with the fun, you need to persist with the difficult!
Let us know what you think the best form of advertising is for you personally - what makes you sit up and take notice? Just thought I'd throw a little informal poll in there!

Well, I better get off the blog and get working on other things I need to finish before this weekend. Right now I am finishing up the Newsletter. We sent the first "issue" via email last month, and we had a really good response. We have information about what's happening, decorating tips and an ICC (Internet customer coupon) that is good for that month. If this is something that you would be interested in, let us know and I'll put you on. Either reply through the blog, or by emailing us at

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