Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Time to Thank...

Hello everyone! Karrie and I are wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving. We both want to take a little time to thank all of you for all of your support, and your wonderful friendships! We are amazed, so often, how a little shop in Helena, Ohio can draw such a customer radius, and we are very humbled by that - Thank you ALL!
We hope that you all have many blessings fall upon you and your family during this time of thanks!

Well, the snow is back! Last Thursday afternoon we got a whole bunch in - so, after the Turkey has been put away (or packaged into smaller containers for everyone to take home), get out those decorations and see where you might be able to put it. This snow is so much fun - if you haven't seen it yet, you need to just get out here to check it out!
We also had 14 boxes of every day items come in last week. New lamps, new wall grills and a new mirror that made it on the floor for 3 hours before someone snatched it up! From this point on, we will be getting more of our everyday things in - just in time for Christmas gift-giving.
This brings me to our "Men Buying Gifts" program we have here at the Summer Kitchen. Ladies, we all know that there are things that we want for Christmas. We also know that men usually have no clue what we really would like. This is our second year of this program, and this is what you do: Come into the store and fill out a gift registry. Give us the addresses for those you'd like us to send a "BIG HINT" sheet to. We send this off, and those who would like to get you something are very happy to know what it is that is your hearts desire! Let us know, and we'll act as Santa's little helpers - helping you get what you'd like under the tree!

I'm adding some more pictures for you all to gaze upon. There's lots of gift ideas out there. I have a lot of our Maggie B purse line to show you, these have been trickling in here and there. I'm sure you can think of someone, besides yourself, that might need one, or two.....

A reminder that The Ghosts of Christmas Past Sale is going on now thru December 3rd. There are lots of things on sale from Christmas' long ago, and recently at The Summer Kitchen (I found a box up in the attic from several years back that had been forgotten about!). Lot's of gift items, ornaments, and some non-holiday items as well. These things are great for Teacher's gifts, and gift exchanges between family and friends. At 40-80% off things won't be here long!

Before I go, I thought I'd share another tradition of our family with you. Last year Mom got a big quilt to put on her table for Thanksgiving. Any kind of quilt will do, hers, I think has fall colors in it. Anyhow, before we all ate last Thanksgiving, we had to write on the quilt with permanent marker what we were thankful for that year. This year we will do the same. The "Thankful Quilt" can then be passed on and shared. Isn't that beautiful? This year we will have one less at the table, but her memory will live on, because Grandma was there last year, and we are so blessed by her life and the memories of her. I know Mom will treasure the quilt, not only for the little note of thankfulness that Grandma left, but of all the memories we have all made, last Thanksgiving, this Thanksgiving, and many more Thanksgiving's to come!
Thanks again ladies! Remember to take the time to enjoy your families tomorrow and especially thank God for all the wonderful things he gives us each day!

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