Karla has passed the blogging baton off to me this week ~ I think she has "getting the kids back in school" syndrome. After trying to place an order with a rep, and her kids interrupting over the intercom ~ you can tell it's time! So ~ off to get school shoes are they, before they have to go serve milk shakes at the fair tonight.
My husband Tim and I got away on an impromptu, mini vacation last week. He had some time scheduled off ~ but we couldn't go far, because of other events in the store ~ so at the very last minute we took off for Indiana. He originally wanted to go to Shipshewana, but the flea markets were not open the days we were going to be there. We decided to stay in Middleburg, where we visited this great mansion in Elkhart. The Ruthmere mansion was featured on the A&E channel, and was so cool. Located along the banks of the St. Joseph River, this three story home was built of intricately carved limestone, brick, and marble. Inside it had mahogany woodwork and paneling that made you stop in your tracks ~ you instantly began to imagine how the owners lived! My favorite part was the conservatory (of course). I especially liked that the conservatory had an underground tunnel that connected it to the house ~ lest you get a chill heading out there during the winter (why not??). Don't think that it was a dark and dreary tunnel either, it was decorated with beautiful wall murals to pass the time in a pleasant way, I suppose!
We also visited Goshen and went to a neat old building called The Old Bag Factory. This building was built in the 1800's and was originally home of the towns buttermilk soap factory. Later, it produced flour and feed bags, hence its' name. It had been converted into several boutiques. Now that is creativity, using old buildings for a new purpose! They had many different artisans. I loved that they had a potter right on the premisis, so you could watch him create beautiful pieces on the wheel, right in front of you. Another shop had the most gorgeous original artwork. I met the artist and enjoyed talking to her for quite some time. Her work stood out to me in the studio, and I would have loved to bring home several with me! Who knows? Maybe, someday, we can bring her work to the store........
Finally we ended up back at Middlebury. Here we did the most Amish thing in Amish country ~ enjoyed a meal of broasted chicken and mashed potatoes. After our delicious supper,we did some more shopping. So many nice stores....seen some neat things.....but nothing that I had to bring home with me. Actually, I did find myself looking at a picture that we have ordered for the store ~ and I now am anxiously awaiting its arrival here ~ hopefully this week!
We are really getting pumped for fall around here, and we can't wait to have you share in our excitement of our new finds....but for now ~ I must get back to work! Labor day weekend is far too close, and I have so much to do before S.C.R.A.P.
Happy gallivanting!
Visit Ruthmere online
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