Monday, June 15, 2009

We're Chipper for Chips!

Don't cry over those chipped plates of Great Aunt Louise...

In fact...rejoice! Another piece of art to put outside in the garden!

You'll have so much fun "planting your china" that you'll look forward to your next break!


Local Girl said...

What a cute idea! love it :)

srp said...

That is a great idea...hopefully it will be a while before I need to use it though... with our clumsy hands here, it will eventually happen.

Ms. Tee said...

This is a very cute idea - so pretty~ :)

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

Oh, that looks so pretty!

Catherine said...

Now that`s a great idea and so pretty.

Unknown said...

That is a great idea, I'm even tempted to go to our local church shop and seek out some old plates to use.


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