We caught a shadow of one of our tags at work today. Just like the fabulousgame of tag....you can click on Hey Harriet and follow shadows all over the world - jumping from one blog to another - see how many shadows you can "tag" this week with us!
I'm sorry I'm so late getting back to you but so glad I finally did. The delicacy of the ribbon and the vintage card, well, they're just perfect. Happy SSS!(belated)
I must say girls you were very busy. I kept scrolling down looking at all your new things on your site. Your creative minds just couldn't quit this week...Did you get into the chocolate eggs early?????? Auntie Pam
What a sweet shot you both got, eh? Smart idea.
Hmmm... cool indeed...
Have a wonderful Sunday n see you around.
A really neat shot! Isn't it fun to find shadows sometimes where you least expect them?? Enjoy!
A most unusual shadow! Surprising artisitic flow from just a humble tag! Great shot!
I love vintage illustrations. Neat tag and shadow!
What an awesome tag...don't we just love our work, we get to really show our stuff!!!
Got two inches so far and more to come tomorrow, maybe four...but we know it won't last...THANK GOD!!!
Have a great weekend in spite of the snow!...s
Very unique and creative shadow shot, well done!!
Fun picture...FUN idea!
You take the nicest pictures. I love the banner one at the top of your blog, too.
It must be nice to be surrounded by such pretty things every day.
Hia :D Nice shadows and here's to a wonderful Sunday.
Wonderful shadow!
That's a fab looking vintage style tag. Great shadow it makes! Shadow tag? Cool! I'm playing! :D
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
How playful! Well, I'm off to go tag someone else!
Followed your link from Housepeepers and really enjoyed reading all your posts.
Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration.
how elegant is that!? cool...
happy sss!
What a neat shadow shot..You did a great job..Happy SSS..
Clever shot. Cool shadow.
What a cute tag of the vintage ladies! Hope you have a great Sunday :)
Very cool shot! Glad you had your camera handy.
How clever! Love your tags...and its shadow!!
I love the tag, great shadow shot, and very nice blog!
so beautiful, a great shadow catch. Love your tag design too.
interesting shadow shot. loved that tag!
I'm sorry I'm so late getting back to you but so glad I finally did. The delicacy of the ribbon and the vintage card, well, they're just perfect. Happy SSS!(belated)
I must say girls you were very busy. I kept scrolling down looking at all your new things on your site. Your creative minds just couldn't quit this week...Did you get into the chocolate eggs early?????? Auntie Pam
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