First of all, no, the Caldrea is not here yet. I feel awful, and know that I should not have told you that it would be here after the 4th - but when you sales rep. says "It takes only 24 hours to ship" - you believe her! Since we ordered it the end of June, well, I thought I had enough time to say Hey the Caldrea will be here after the 4th!! Since I didn't hear back from our Sales Rep, I called the company out of frustration yesterday, and they said that our rep was just to get our federal tax id number from us and then they would have shipped it out (she called on the 5th for that, and we gave her the number.......hmmmmmmm.....yesterday was the 19th????!!!!!). Well, I'll give her some credit - she's at the Chicago show right now, and sales reps do have hard jobs, so, we'll "fauhget about it" (my best impression of a New Yorker)this time, next time we'll send Vito down to straighten her out! Just kiddin'! Hopefully we'll have nothing but lovely dealings with her in the future! So, I'm going out on a limb here, but my best guess is (it is shipping out today - Friday the 20th) that it will be here hopefully by Tuesday. I will blog and let you all know for sure! We have such patient customers, and I know you will all love this product!

Now, let me stop my ranting (I sound pretty upset don't I - HA!) and talk about things we have in store for you. First off, if you haven't been in to get a coupon for next month, do stop in. I will be sending a coupon of on the email newsletter, so if you are on the email mailing list, you will have one sent to you, but if not, stop in or sign up! We have received our first of two shipments of pictures. I have to tell you that our art company has the absolute coolest pictures! When we were down at market we fell in love with their new things - and we hope you do too! There are just some really unique (I hate using that word - it is so overused - but.....they really are!) pictures they have in their line. The way this company frames things are really something!
Take a look. For example, these bird prints - gorgeous! They have this beautiful detailed print, the inside of the frame has this pale toile blue along the sides of the inside of the frame - gorgeous - not to mention the framing is done very well!
We picked up these limited addition prints here, of single stems of flowers. The framing on this - like a shadow box print - so different than what you see out there.
The next prints are similar to the birds in framing, however on the glass they print words - very innovative - expect to see this copied soon by other art companies!
Karrie and I are finishing up our Christmas ordering these days, so if you are thinking of something you'd really like to see, let us know, give us a call, email us, whatever! We've got the color schemes figured out, now we just have to make sure that we have what we need to get it all together for that BIG weekend! Mark it on your calender - always the second weekend in November - this year Christmas Open House will be November 9th, 10th and 11th - woooohooooo! Fall will be here soon - we'll start getting that out next month. We have a lot of new lines coming in this fall (this is the best part about our jobs - finding all this cool stuff that you have to have!!) There will be a big group of ladies coming in for a tea party on September 22nd, so if you'd like to attend let us know. Pat Wilson, our tea lady will be there for a talk about tea. This should be a fun time - would you expect anything else from The Summer Kitchen Girls?! Oh- before I forget - Fall Open house - you can mark that down too - September 14th, 15th, and 16th (feel free to come in and wish me a Happy Birthday!)
Well, that is all I'll indulge you in right now, so, hopefully next week you will see my lovely blog saying "THE CALDREA IS HERE - THE CALDREA IS HERE!!" (Since I just got back from Boston, I've been doing my best impressions of Paul Revere to just about everything - hope you enjoyed it - it's driving my kids crazy though....don't you love it!) Remember to enter the Patio/Porch Contest for the $100 gift certificate!
Take care - have a great weekend!!
One more thing - just to let you know that yesterday we were re-arranging to get all of the new stuff up and displayed, and we found MORE - yes, MORE things to put on the Summer Clearance Extravaganza Sale - be sure to check it out!!!
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