Saturday, February 06, 2010

Terrifying, Towering Shadows

Terrifying Towering Shadows makes it sound frightful, doesn't it?
Why, it's just a tower of glass tea cups.....'s terrifying for a mother of preschoolers when they come into the store!
Today, we thought we'd meditate on this happy, spring-like shadow...being that there is snow, snow everywhere
"think spring thoughts....think spring thoughts....!"
For more fabulous shadows - head on over to Australia and visit Hey Harriet...where you can escape the snow, (even though it may be for a moment!)


robin. said...

ahh yes...not the display a mother walking in with a child wants to see. but it does make for a very pretty shadow shot.

have a great weekend girls.

Catherine said...

coloured glass always seems to create great shadows...

Ralph said...

We hope this leaning tower of cups are steady in their saucers. The glass mugs seem wonderful to drink tea in while sitting on the veranda (on a warm day, of course :>)

I agree, do not let the youngsters try to rearrange this setting. I would fear to view the potential results...

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Towering shadows,
teetering cups, wandering
light—nothing to sup!

House of Shadows

Sylvia K said...

Love the colored glass shadows! I'm quite sure that could indeed make a mother nervous! It's still a terrific shadow! Have a great weekend!


Golden West said...

That green color - love it!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

LOL! Oh, how I know that feeling of terror when I open a cabinet of china in this house! ;-) Love the green depression glass. I particularly love the way it looks when light hits it.


Sheila :-)

Donna said...

Love the green glass! They make a beautiful shadow.

Serendipity said...

I really like shadows cast by glass :)

Blondie's Journal said...

I have many balancing acts like that in my cabinets, girls!! Love the pretty green glass though!!

Everyone I have visited this morning has tons of could this be??


frayedattheedge said...

lovely shade of green - definitely springlike!

jabblog said...

Glass shadows - my favourite of all! I can relate to the 'terrified mother' though - I used to make my children sit on the floor when in the vicinity of fragile goods, particularly after one of them ended up IN the window display . . .

Dimple said...

Pretty green cups and nice shadows, but yes, keep the children away!

Rosebud Collection said...

What beautiful depression glass. I think that is what it is, am I right? Anyway, a great shadow shot.
Happy SSS.

Patti said...

Lovely green glass cups..and their shadows.

That tower would be unnerving if one has tots in tow!

Enjoy your snowy weekend. We don't have any in Connecticut. But the sky is quite white.

Hot Fudge said...

Ooo ... very tempting for preschoolers - no wonder their mothers are terrified. How many delightful green cups did you lose this week?

Sam said...

The horror of this leaning tower of cups and saucers is actually incredibly pretty! Great shot!

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid to breathe - I might blow down your tower of cups and saucers!

Cassie said...

Depression glass, no? It sure makes a nice shadow, and colorful to boot!

Forget about a child. I wouldn't want my husband around it!!

A Wild Thing said...

I redid the window of the store today...THINK SPRING...if we all chant, maybe it will come sooner.

However this week while driving home from Sisters, there were many flights of Canada geese, all coming home to nest...YEA SPRING!!!

Hey Harriet said...

That's a cool shot! And yes that display would make a mother with small kids a little nervous! Hey those cups would be perfect for the green cafe I posted :)

Have a great week!

{S.T.U.F.F.} said...

The green glass is phenomenal!

Great shot!

Carin said...

WOW what a good idea these towering shadows! Lovely colours too!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh! I love these cups. Love their color and their shadow. ;-)


The Muse said...

i'm delighted they survived...and you as sometimes i thinks don't behave in public the way they used to...hmmm ah well, maybe its just me!

love the green glass nice imagery :)

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

Those are pretty cups and saucers...and shadows. Very springy;D


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