Saturday, January 23, 2010

Weighing In On The Shadows

That's right!

It's time for Shadow Shot Sunday and we are checking out the shadows we found in the store today -

Will shadows light or hefty today?

There's only one way to find out - and that is to join us over at Hey Harriet and see for yourself!


Sam said...

Interesting! This looks like some weighing device? So much more attractive than the modern digital ones!

Sylvia K said...

Great title to go with a great shadow shot for the day! Love it! Hope you're having a great weekend!


Just like Martha said...

What a great set of kitchen scales - do you still use them?

Ralph said...

That scale is a beauty - an honest scale before these measuring devices all turned to electronics. I see the old time produce stand where the proprietor will add a peach to balance the weight out. You have nicely captured the look of the past with this fine instrument...

Chubskulit Rose said...


My shadow shots

EJ said...

beautiful looking clock.

My Mugs shadows

EJ said...

Oh sorry, I meant scale hehehe.

Anonymous said...

Oh, neat shadow!

Nice and Easy Antiques said...

I like the texture in that scale! Great shot girls!

Hey Harriet said...

Cool old scales! They have much more character than the modern types. Ok then, can you tell me how much does a shadow weigh? :)

Have an awesome weekend!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

And yet, ANOTHER cool shot! Fantastic!

Hot Fudge said...

How I'd love a set of kitchen scales like this one. My modern battery-operated one only goes up to about 10 pounds, whereas your little beauty appears to top the scale at 24 pounds. Now what on earth could you fit into an oven that weighed that much? Maybe I need a new oven as well!

Catherine said...

You always find the best shots! Great scale!

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely weighing machine and shadows

Anonymous said...

awesome shadow capture and i love the title, too. ;-)

happy day,


A Wild Thing said...

I just love old kitchen scales, they really make a setting pop with their tarnished finish, I have a green and yellow one that I just can't part with...silly antique dealer!!!

Unknown said...

This is excellent! Happy week to you and yours!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Love the shot, girls!


Sheila :-)

Serendipity said...

That's a lovely shadow shot :)

Chris said...

Funny! Reminds me of the old "yo momma's SO fat that her shadow weighs 100 lbs!" joke.

Jonny Hamachi said...

I'll weigh in, Nice Shot!


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