Thursday, January 07, 2010

Hot Products for a Cold January

This week we found some "Hot Products" in Home Decor in our email box.

Imagine our surprise when the first thing we what we are expecting anytime this week! You know, that is the best feeling in the world - you order something months & months ago...and when time comes around - it's on the "Hot" list - yea!!

The next thing we see is so happy - we just had to show you!
With the grey sky of winter - its great to see a cheerful punch of color!
Last year we saw a lot of these colors coming about...and with Turquoise being the "color of the year" according to Pantone - we'll be seeing these bright colors more!

photo courtesy of Manual Woodworkers

The last thing that made us ooooohhh and aaaahhhh was this lamp...more like the shade made from burgundy, olive, beige and gold organza ribbons - isn't that fun? The lamp is hand painted,and, unfortunately, the lamp is $750.
photo courtesy of DB Sources

Well...we don't know about you - but that price isn't quite in the budget! So...we thought a bit, and figured that you could find your own base - preferably from a garage sale, junk store - what have you & "hand paint" it yourself (or spray-paint...however you like to paint.)
Then we make your own ribbon-covered lampshade like they did here.

There you go - a fab lamp...without the fab lamp price!

photo courtesy of Craftstylish


Blondie's Journal said...

Love the bird cages for plants and little floral arrangements. And I love the ribbon idea. Love ribbon!!


Nice and Easy Antiques said...

Yo girls are always ahead of times. Get to work and make some cute lampshades...(don't forget to show us the final result!)

The Muse said...

Everyone of these beauties remind me of spring! Gosh...I needed this eye candy :)

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Girls & Happy New Year to you and yours!!

Those bird cages are too cute. I think ribbon is a fabulous cure to a boring lamp or to most anything.
I have a spice cabinet that my hubby hung on the wall with a wire showing (its too long of a story believe me) but I hid the wire with some wire ribbon in sage green with a sculpted looking bow on top and it looks FABULOUS!! LOL

Ribbon is to us like duct tape is to guys!!!

Big hugs! Sherry

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I agree! I can't see paying a fortune for a lamp, and I love a good deal mixed with creativity!


Sheila :-)


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