We received a wonderful surprise from our buddy Lisa from Lisa's Retrostyle yesterday and wanted to share it with you!
This award Lisa presented us with is to be given to bloggers who show great attitude and/or gratitude ~ thanks Lisa, it was very kind of you to bestow this on us.....you know it means a lot!
Now....for the rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 8 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
First off...if you haven't visited Lisa before - you are missing out on her funky retro items! Lisa always has something fabulous that she has found......you can even purchase something off of her blog, eBay, or Etsy site (she's a super busy girl....who we'd love to go junkin' with some day!!) Just keep in mind that the turquoise poncho on her blog will someday be mine....OK???
Now.....for those 8 blogs...
1. Mango & Tomato We've recently in the past few months visited back & forth with Olga ~ she has the most wonderful recipes and pictures.....we met her during shadow shots so....Olga we give you the award for always being gracious with our recipe questions, and for your passion for cooking!
2. Bobbityboo We met Bobbi over on Shadow shots too (are you seeing where this shadow shot thing isn't only about shadows....!) Anyway, Bobbie always had the most wonderful, colorful, happy things on Etsy, and we just adored her posts. She always has something fun over on her blog!
3. Eddie Marie's Attic Sherry came to our store last fall and we have blogged back in forth for sometime now....haven't we Sherry? She always has fun decorating ideas....one of our favorites was when she covered an old mannequin ~ it was so pretty! We also love it when she visits Cindy...there is always beautiful inspiration there!
4. Delightful Home Dear Mrs. Tee.......we loved Mrs. Tee so much, we had her on our blogroll 3 times (of course it was three different ways....but we sure had a good laugh!) She always has some great ideas full of sunshine (which is just the type of attitudes we need in this overcast, snowy world we live in right now!!) and....well it's just always a joy to visit her!
5. Quintessential Magpie We just met Shelia recently and we felt quite at home when we visit her. She is such a gracious host....we just love seeing what is going on when we visit. Quite often we see lovely warm pictures (we're seeing another theme here aren't we....shadows....now Warmth!). She always has a great attitude & much gratitude to those who visit!
6. Healthy Bakes by Catherine Well.....you have all got to visit Catherine! She has such a positive outlook on life....plus we have mutual gratitude towards each other. You see, Catherine makes our scone mixes in our store ~ and let us tell you they are the best darn scone mixes around! She also has these Granola Breakfast Cookies that are soooooo good.....and don't even get us started on her Happy Brownies! If any of this sounds tempting.....go over and pay her a visit so she can send you out something that is healthy to eat - and out of this world in taste!
7. Decorator to the Stars You will love Joan as much as we do.....she contributes to Junk Style and that is how we met her! She can turn trash into treasure better than anyone we know. (Plus, she always has the best decorating advice!) Hop on over and see what a great attitude you will get towards junk after seeing what Joan can do with it!
8. Ivy's Vine We are so excited to welcome our friends from Ivy's Vine in Genoa - a hop, skip & a jump away from us! Please welcome them to the blogging community....you are going to love what they will be posting about - we just know it! Carolyn & crew have the BEST attitude when it comes to promoting their (& other's) business! We have worked together for two years doing a community Shop Till You Drop during Christmas - and she worked so hard getting her whole town to join us - hip hip hooray! Thanks for all you do & your positive attitude Carolyn ~ Welcome....we are so glad you have joined us all!
Hi Girls!
Thank you so much for the award! I will post it soon. That is so sweet of you!!
I hope I get to stop and see you again when the snow thaws and the grass turns green! Cindy & I LOVE your shop and all the goodies you have in there.
Have a great Sunday! Hugs, Sherry
What a great shadow shot! And what a wonderful husband.
Dare i say that shadow is a tad on the creepy side? Not because your hubby is creepy looking but it looks like he's lurking just around the corner. I love it! Hey thanks for the award, you are a sweety!
People are starting to look at me strange too...more than normal...ha!
Hope ya got some of that warm air today, seeing it thaw was divine!
Very cool shadow shot. Have a good Sunday.
I love your husbands silhouette! Fun shot. I shot silhouettes this week too.
Terrific shadow shot! Good that you crabbed the camera. I like too that it is a sliver of his profile and not the entire profile.
so sweet of your husband to not move for the shot! Love your take on a profile shot!
Gr8 unexpected shot! Yeah, you're right. The whole family is involved of my fun shots chasing shadows.
My neighbours wondered too! §:-)
Specially, when sun shines? I run around to get more shots for the archives. As you know, Europe is still dark and no sun at all.
Job well done.
Cool shadow shot! Congrats on the award from Lisa. She really is the best! I already know & like the first two of your recipients, so will check out the others. Have a great Sunday :)
I love these quick random shots! Congratulations on your award!
Great shadow shot..I laughed, because my husband is usually hunting shadows down for me..
Happy SSS..
Fun shadow shot, what a good sport he is! :) Congratulations on your award!
thanks to my two new friends & i hope to see you soon, i've been going through a rough patch, but still try to inspire whomever reads my blog, you can't keep an italian down for long :) i hope
Thank you so much for that! What a nice surprise this Sunday. :) I love that you caught the shadow of your hubby & laughed when you said he's used to bizarre behavior! My hubby & son see me taking photos of stuff for blogging & no longer think it's weird, either. ;) I hope you have a wonderful Super Bowl night and coming week!
What a really great shadow you have here! Love it!
congratulations on your award.
Wow, what a stroke of luck! Great shot there. And thanks for stopping by at mine!
Great shadow shot. I especially love how big his face looks :)
Oh, I'm so honored, ladies! Thank you so much for your kind words, and I really hope I do make you feel welcome because that's exactly how I feel when I come here!
I accept your award with thanks, and I will have to come up with a clever post for it. Might take a little time, but I'll git er done!
I love coming to your blog, too, for its warmth, humor, and creativity! And I'm still laughing about your shadow shot... maybe it ought to lead to a post on shillouettes! I've always thought those were neat-o.
Sheila :-)
What a great shadow shot. You were lucky to have your camera handy.
Great shadow!
Merci pour le commentaire
That's a funny shot! Sort of spooky and funny at the same time ;)
congrats on the blog award too!
Creative shadow shot !
I love the size and clarity of that shadow!, congrats on the award :)
Great shadow Shot!
Wonderful husband to play along..not mine for sure!..but nice shadow too :D Hope you both have a great week ahead.
Wow! Oh la vache! Quel surprise! (as they say in France) I was just reading along in your blog to see who you gals like to read, and... BOING!... that's the sound my eyeballs made when they popped right outa my head! Wowee! Thanks so much for your kind words of encouragement.
Now I'm gonna have to be ever-so diligent about posting! Talk about raising the bar!!! I post TWO DAYS and you present me with an award!!!??? Hmmmm, I must be doin' somethin' right!
Thanks again... you gals are awesome!
How did I miss this post!? I'm not a very good buddy after all now am I? Love hubby's profile...fun shot!
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