Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Paste & Paper

OK - paste & paper....this is all you need to make a fabulous wall in your home! Don't believe us? Well, check this out......

We found this great idea on House Beautiful.....what we love about this, is that we've done things similar in the past.
We were just thinking of how we could cut out flowers, or paisleys.....gosh, just about any pattern from a great $3 roll of wallpaper that you find on clearance. Not enough to wall paper a wall, but just enough to make a statement!

Here they took random papers {of course they looked good together} and placed them on the wall in a lovely pattern. This is great - especially when it is prepasted paper!
But hold on.....why just stick with wallpaper?

Check this out.....
This is the Yankee room at Karla's house...on one wall is a custom NY Yankee collage. We copied pictures out of a couple of NY Yankee books and cut the pictures out. We then took wallpaper paste and put those pictures randomly on the wall. Now, just how easy is that?

Here is another idea.....Karla's son loved Star Wars and wanted a Star Wars room *sigh*. Well.....as we all know, favorite things come & go when your kids are little. Instead of going the usual Star Wars theme (blankets, sheets, or even a big wall mural) and being stuck with it forever, we got on eBay and found blueprints of Star War's vehicles. That way it was Star Wars.....but from a distance looked very sophisticated, so when he gets older we're not scraping the wallpaper off of those walls! We applied the blueprints the same way - wallpaper paste - easy as pie!

Hope this gives you some great ideas for those walls!
Remember Paste + Paper = Good Decorating!


kari and kijsa said...

love these too!! we are having a fun GIVEAWAY!!! this week!! Stop on by!!

kari & kijsa

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

Great ideas!! Mmmm...what can I paper + paste?

Two Dog Pond said...

Love that idea - how about maps? but move your own county to a warmer location...

Unknown said...

Cool. I know about children and their fancies. Like we did a small border for our daughter's room when she was little, now we have lots of problem taking it off. I've started only 10% and gave up. The star wars theme is fun :D

GalleryJuana said...

Great idea! Now I just have to buy a house so I can do this to my walls:9

I'd like to invite you to my blog giveaway:
Gallery Juana

Ms. Tee said...

Oh, wow! What a great idea! The wallpaper idea is gorgeous. And I wish I'd thought of that when my son was going through *his* Star Wars stage!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

These are really wonderful!


Sheila :-)


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