Hello friends! We have missed you - missed hopping on your blogs and seeing what you all have been up to. However - we realized that sometimes you just need to "say no" to the computer when you have so much to do! We are exhausted from our big weekend - and being that we worked at S.C.R.A.P. on Monday, we didn't get our normal day off - and so....we were off of our schedule all week - how about you? Can you believe September is here? Wow - what a crazy week!
This week we put the store back together after a third of it was taken over to S.C.R.A.P. - and we dusted (without much rain it was a VERY dusty weekend!), and dusted, swept and cleaned. Boxes were put back and everything is back in place (now for that back room.....!)It truly is good to be "home"!
While new fall is coming in we have been visited by many people this week. Between customers, ad reps and phone calls we have been visited by our favorite sales reps this week. We love and hate rep week! We Love it because: 1. We love seeing our reps 2. We love seeing all of the new things that our companies' have for us to buy, 3. We absolutely love it when our reps pick up new lines that will fit perfectly in the store! We hate it because: 1. It is mentally exhausting to think of everything that you need while seeing things that you want - but don't need 2. You want to buy everything, but have to be on a budget (booo!) and 3. We never seem to accomplish much all week, but spend a day with a rep!!
Well - we survived! Today was a good day to try to get our wits back and prepare for all of the things we need to concentrate on for the weeks ahead!
Since you went through our rants with us - we thought you might like to look at our fourth quarter planning - in other words.....Christmas!
Today we sat down and tried to visualized what we all ready have ordered - and what we need to get yet. It never fails, no matter how organized we are - something always gets changed at the last minute. We had a good laugh at our planning book last year - almost a quarter of what we thought we'd order - we didn't!!
Well, here's a few of our inspiration pictures - see what you think...
As you can see, we are on a bird kick, as well as red kick this year. We haven't done an all red Christmas in three years - time to bring it all back - but....with a twist - we're sticking in blue for something different! Of course, we will have our metallic section and our olive, gold and red section - but this - this will be the section with - well, with wow-za!
Oh - how I enjoyed looking at all of that again (sorry about the blurry pictures - my camera was not cooperating with close-ups today!!) - we can't wait to show you the final results......two months from next weekend is the Christmas Open House - if that doesn't make you panic - wow, we don't know what will - it's pretty scary for us!! I also am realizing how weird it is to see orange and black up top - then Christmas down at the bottom - well.........I didn't say our first blog of September would be pretty - just informative - OK - maybe entertaining???
There are a lot of things going on this weekend - hopefully we can attend one of them and share what we are up to - we'll chat soon!!
Black Swamp Arts Festival Bowling Green OH
Quailcrest Herb Fair Wooster OH
Wonder the Warehouse District Toledo OH
1 comment:
Love the cat! Summer has flown by in a blur!! I still can't face thinking about Christmas...
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