Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Filling the Blanks

Boy do we love collecting plates!

We love empty walls that need plates 
probably just as much as collecting them ~ lol!

So, when I went to my stash of plates
 to see what I could do with this big BLANK spot in my bedroom,
I was pretty excited to find these three plates
that looked nice together and with the wallpaper!

Sometimes we have no idea 
where we will put a plate when we find one that we like!

We end up talking ourselves into bringing it home with us anyways....

Thank heavens we don't let that stop us!

What about you guys?

Hey....a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do :)


Curtains in My Tree said...

Oh your plates looks good on the wall
I use to bring plates home and now i'm trying to purge them LOL
There is some beautiful old plates out there someplace in a sale just waiting for both of us

Cynthia said...

Your plates are so pretty. I am a plate lover and what start a collection of transferware for the new house.


A Cuban In London said...

I share the same hobby, funny enough. We bought some plates in Cuba years ago and they're still hanging from the same wall up the stairs. :-)

Greetings from London.

Nancy's Daily Dish said...

Love the transfer ware plates and the wallpaper and your house! I loved it on the header and then when I read how you grew up hereā€¦that's awesome! It is just beautiful!


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