Monday, September 24, 2012

Bein' Thankful.....

We just love these new little
Retro Reproduction Candles
that just came in.....

Positively Perfect Pilgrims

Terribly Terrific Turkeys

Incredibly Important Indians

All we know
is that they are all
going to be at our own homes
for Thanksgiving this year!

Happy Monday Everyone!


Cynthia said...

The turkeys are so great. Love them.


Chubby Chieque said...

Hello Ladies,
How are you both over there? OMG! you're been busy preparing for Halloween? Myself is not ready for this yet ยง;-) *giggles...

Missing you on our SSS party. Where you there?

ENjoy your week.


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love the turkeys, too! I think I have a retro one! lol Hugs!


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