Saturday, December 10, 2011

Nutcrackin' Shadows

Making our rounds around the store to straighten & fluff displays
we saw our bowl of nutcrackers 
with shadows all around!

So, get crackin'....& Join us for 
Shadow Shot Sunday


  1. What a fun, perfect shadow shot for the season! I love it! Hope you're enjoying a great weekend!


  2. What a coincidence, I have a nutcracker with one of my entries too hehehe..

    Please come see my Nut Cracker shadow. Have a good weekend!

  3. Shadows and nuts gathered together in a bowl look so elegant and even exotic! Great photo!

  4. Wow, and all that tome I assumed that a nutcracker was a wooden ancient Germanic soldier. I am ever so slightly embarrassed :)

    Nevertheless, these crackers are so useful, and can be used of a (Maine) lobster claw. Actually, this cooked shellfish is red, so perfect for Christmas too! Enjoy your week!

  5. Some nice nutcracker’ shadows. The bowl is full. We have some here in the house but they are our collection of the wooden ones. I have not even thought to look to see if they are casting shadows for me to enjoy. genie

  6. You must have some cracking parties!

  7. Speaking of crackin' you girls crack me up every time! I can't thank you enough for contributing to SSS every week. Your funny posts have always been a highlight for me! Love your crazy sense of humour!

    A little team has formed to continue running SSS & I'll give the details on my post next week. I hope you'll continue posting at the new SSS home. SSS just wouldn't be the same without you :)


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